74% of ESG drivers are resulted by regulations (CEO Survey 2021, Deloitte). Currently, Indonesia exercises P.OJK 51/2017 that requires companies to submit their sustainability report (SR). There is an increase in numbers of issuers that submit their SR in BEI.
Most CEO focus on company development lies on internal capacity building, including training on implementation of ESG principles and sustainability, as well as building employees’ awareness (CEO Survey 2021, Deloitte)
Global asset value that exercises ESG data in investment decision making has doubled in the last 4 (four) years (Sustainable Finance Roadmap, OJK).
There are numbers of token of appreciation for companies that have implemented ESG principles in both national and international level, such as IDX ESG Leaders (BEI), ESG Awards (BKGF), and ESG Risk Rating (Sustainalytics).