Expert Network

Our broad network and good relationship with numbers of experts from diverse background and competencies establishes ESA as the right partner to handheld with in supporting aggressive business development, and meeting the ever increasing legal compliance needs in environmental law.
Mas Achmad Santosa
Enviromental Law
Mas Achmad Santosa is an expert, lecturer, and practitioner in several fields among others environmental law, good governance, and anti-corruption.
Sandrayati Moniaga
Human Right
Sandra Moniaga is an expert on law and human rights. Currently she serves as commissioner of Komnasham.
Laode M Syarif
Anti Corruption
Laode M. Syarief is an expert and practitioner in the field of good governance and anti-corruption.
Prof. Andri Gunawan Wibisana
Wiwiek Awiati
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Wiwiek Awiati is a lecturer and practitioner in the field of general environmental law and alternative dispute resolution.
Josi Khatarina
Josi Khatarina is an expert on environmental law and good governance. She is currently working on climate change and carbon pricing issues.
Dadang Trisasongko
Anti Corruption
Prayekti Murharjanti
Environmental Law
Windu Kisworo
Capacity Building
Dyah Paramita
Dyah is a legal researcher and consultant specialising in mineral law and policy, chemical and environmental pollution and ESG.
Feby Ivalerina Kartikasari
General Environmental Law, ESG and Energy
Before joining PT Enviro Strategic Alliance (ESA), Feby Ivalerina Kartikasari was a legal practitioner who had been involved in the field of environmental law for almost 25 years. She started her career in the environmental field in 1998 at the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law.
Ibrahim Sjarief Assegaf
Ibrahim Sjarief Assegaf is a lawyer with corporate law speciality
Henri Subagiyo
Mohamad Mova Al’Afghani

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